31 August 2011

Summer = alm

Austria, mountains, sun, bratwurst, beer and good company  make a perfect summer's day.

21 August 2011


After five years of wanting to get on the top of this one, my Dad and I climbed the Hochkönig yesterday.

And what a mountain. It reigns high over the Pongau/ Pinzgau regions, the many peaks making up its massiv viewable from dozens of directions. At 2941m it's not the biggest, but since we've skied below it for years and it can be seen from Mum and Dad's kitchen window, it has to be done.

So we started up from the Arthurhaus above Mühlbach at 5:45am, a pretty standard start time in Austria if you're going to climb something. Admittedly the hike up is not the hardest, but it's long and you spend virtually all of the time clambering over loose stones or rocks. In total we racked up 1700m in altitude gain, but there are little ups and downs along the whole track that wear you down.

Intrepid explorer

Stunning morning, view direction Bischofshofen


View into the valley with Torsaüle on left
We got to the summit at just after 11am. The hut, das Matrashaus, is perched right on the highest point. A shelter has been at that spot since 1898, serving hot food and drink and accommodation to anyone needing it. It's quite incredible, that after hiking over five hours in high Alpine terrain, there's a mini-hotel at the most extreme end of it. The Austrian's sure know how to make the most of their mountains.

Obligatory shot

View from the top
Unfortunately, the summit was just at cloud base so the view wasn't amazing. It was cold too, with a blasting wind that required thermals, beanies and windproof jackets. But we inhaled a couple of sandwiches, then went inside for a coffee and cake. Dad ordered his regular pea soup with a frankfurter dropped in it.

The descent felt longer and harder than the uphill. It took nearly five hours due to all the rocks, scree and ups and downs. Just before getting back to the car park we guzzled a Radler at the Mitterbergalm - Radlers were invented for such occasions, I'm sure. We got back to the car after 11hours of walking.

A big thanks is due to my old man for this. We've been saying for years we must do it, and finally we have. It was a great personal achievement but a team effort and wouldn't have been possible or worth it without my Dad being there too (and in fact my Mum who kindly babysitted Angus while we were sweating it out).

11 August 2011


Am August 28, findet in Fuschl wieder der Fuschlseelauf statt. Das heißt eine Runde um See, 12km und hoffentlich schöne Wetter.

Ich habe ein bisschen für zooom mit der Veranstaltung gearbeitet. Sie sind ganz ehrliche Leute und machen diese Rennen nur für die Publikum, nicht für sich selbe.


Aber sie brauchen jetzt Teilnehmer. Wer Jogging mag und Zeit hat, soll sich hier anmelden.

7 August 2011

Tag der Blasmusik

Apparently 6:45am on a Sunday is the perfect time for the village band to start playing and marching around. I know I've blogged about it before but it still fascinates and annoys us in equal measure every year.

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