28 October 2011


I have always been proud of my Austrian roots. Proud to shout for the Austrians while watching Ski Sunday, proud to tell my friends of holidays back to my Mum's village in the Pinzgau and proud to have family ties to such a beautiful country.

After more than five years living here, I'm more proud than ever. Proud to have learnt the language properly and proud to have made a good life for me and my family.

On the eve of my departure for a new life in New Zealand, I am proud to have called Austria my home and to call myself half-Austrian.

So, from now on, this blog will become a Kiwi Adventure, but I intend to post primarily auf Deutsch. Since it took five painful years to learn the language, I need an outlet to practise, and this is it.

Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

Martin said...

Hi Nick,
ich wünsche Dir/Euch alles Gute und viel Spaß in Neuseeland. Ich freue mich auch weiterhin von Dir zu hören zu dürfen.
Have Fun,