13 September 2007


There is snow on the mountain peaks and it's getting pretty nipply at night which means it's nearly time to pack up the bikes for winter. Unfortunately it gets too cold, snowy and icy to keep riding seriously throughout the winter here, not to mention that the roads are always salted which totally trashes bicycles.

It's been an awesome summer though and I've managed to pack in over 4000km of riding since Easter.

Riding with my local club has been fun too, though the mid-ride cafe stops are a somewhat more boozy than I've previously experienced. Usually we get a good two to three hours in before stopping, at which point everyone orders a large beer to wash down their sausage and bread snack. Makes a change to coffee and cake anyway.

Today's ride: Hallein, Golling, Voglau, St. Koloman. 650m of climbing - sweet.

The bike geeks among you will be happy to know that I have been riding a single-speed to work each day. There are a couple of nuggety hills on the way but it's such a cool rig to ride that it is going to suck not getting to ride it until next April.

The hack bike.

Beautiful.. please note missing spokes and chainring bolt.


Jarred Taylor said...

nickers, missing spokes and chainring bolt... it looks like something i would ride!

Herrnick said...

I know! I thought you'd be proud of you me buddy..