19 September 2011


It's the end of summer and the locals are inflicted with yet another disease caused by weather, astrological occurrences or seasons.

Herbstmüdigkeit is similar to Mondayitis in that its sufferers generally mope about complaining of being tired. Difference is that Herbstmüdigkeit translates to "Autumn tiredness" and can only be contracted in September and October.

Other heinous ailments Austrians seem to get an awful lot are insomnia due to a full moon and head aches from warm southerly winds (Föhn). According to my colleague there also such a thing as Vorjahrmüdigkeit - spring tiredness.

This site gives some useful tips on how to cope with it, including having a warm, then cold shower and using "light therapy".

I know that living somewhere where the seasons are highly contrasting can affect your moods and I guess over time people looked for explanations and descriptions for their emotions. But the way some people talk about it, it's as though it's a serious medical affliction. Bollocks, I say.

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